: \xef\x82\xa7 To review and analyse production plans in comparison to demand forecasts and projections aligned with strategic objectives whilst coordinating with the departments to clarify, revise and modify as directed by the Manager. \xef\x82\xa7 To review the operating data as per the planned production targets, past and present prevailing conditions including laboratory analysis, operating plant performance, highlight any major deviations from the operating envelopes (parameters) and ensure suitability actions are taken towards their mitigation. \xef\x82\xa7 To provide advice and guidance to the Operations Department in solving operating problems and optimizing/monitoring conditions through data acquisition, analysis and applications to assure reliability and to achieve high efficiency. \xef\x82\xa7 To review and develop operating procedures for existing plants and new modifications to ensure safe up and integrate with those of other affected sections. TO be a focal point for all ISO related activities. \xef\x82\xa7 Assist Operations Manager in overseeing the safe operation of all JV-operated rigs while delivering wells on schedule and within approved financial budgets. \xef\x82\xa7 To participate and provide high quality input in various studies like HAZOP, SIL, Risk Assessment, Root Cause Analysis etc. \xef\x82\xa7 Coordinate After-Action-Reviews to access overall performance of services contractors and evaluate procedures being implemented. \xef\x82\xa7 To participate in preparation of Departmental Capital/Operating Budgets and monitor financial performance to against budgets and potential performance improvement opportunities are capitalized upon. \xef\x82\xa7 To coordinate and participate in the development of competency matrix and profile of the Operations staff, and to ensure the implementation of the Training Plan in coordination with the Training Section. \xef\x82\xa7 To promote the development of knowledge, competences and innovative spirit in the Division in coordination with the Human Resources Division to ensure accurate skill levels and to continuously develop staff with emphasis on UAE Nationals. \xef\x82\xa7 As a Focal Point for Advance Process Control (APC) system, ensure that the system is always functional and troubleshoot various shortcomings in coordination with maintenance to technical services. \xef\x82\xa7 Encourages participation in conferences and forums with technical papers and presentations. \xef\x82\xa7 Participate in the evaluation and operational implementation of technical innovations for ( continuous improvement of operations performance. \xef\x82\xa7 Number and quality of improvements are line with corporate expectations and implemented.