An assistant professor in Agricultural Economics must have a Ph.D. or its equivalent from an accredited university, be qualified as an able teacher, and exhibit other qualifications as may be stipulated by the College of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine An associate professor in Agricultural Economics must be a PhD holder who has written and published original academic research or produced some equivalent form of scholarship while an assistant professor. They should have carried out distinguished activities in teaching, scholarship, and service.Minimum QualificationApplicants must have a strong background and expertise in agricultural economics or a related field, such as applied economics. - Educational background: Earned a PhD in Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Food Sustainability, or a closely related field at the time of appointment. - Ability to advise undergraduate and graduate students, including directing graduate research. - Publication record: Intensive record of publications in peer-reviewed journals. - Demonstrated ability to produce internal and extramural research funding and - Demonstrated ability to work effectively with students, faculty, and college administratorsPreferred Qualification