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About PortaPeople

PortaPeople Portapeople is an outsourcing and a Virtual Teaming agency. We provide Dedicated and Project Based resources in information technology, content, media development and social media marketing.As an employee with Portapeople, you will have more free and flexible... As an employee with Portapeople, you will have more free and flexible time, well paid , a concerned manger and a cooperative team.We at PortaPeople have dedicated our skills, experience and focus on partnering with organizations, department heads, project managers, or startups to make their IT personnel recruitment mission much easier and their projects and initiatives more cost effective. With our remote operations in the heart of Giza, Egypt, our partners have all the facilities and tools to run their resources as if they are located in the next office in their home land business. We offer our customers more possibilities, flexibility and cost efficiency by providing your needs of specialized human resources according to their preference and plan.

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